

  • Orokorrak
  • sin.plunge; dip; side slope
  • es inclinación
  • eu inklinazio
  • fr inclinaison; plongement axial; pendage; talus

Ez dago emaitzarik

Bilatutako terminoa ez dago hiztegian.


Orbital inclination

Orbital inclination measures the tilt of an object's orbit around a celestial body. It is expressed as the angle between a reference plane and the orbital plane or axis of direction of the orbiting object.
For a satellite orbiting the Earth directly above the Equator, the plane of the satellite's orbit is the same as the Earth's equatorial plane, and the satellite's orbital inclination is 0째. The general case for a circular orbit is that it is tilted, spending half an orbit over the northern hemisphere and half over the southern. If the orbit swung between 20째 north latitude and 20째 south latitude, then its orbital inclination would be 20째.

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