The search interface makes it possible to look up a term simultaneously in the two resources compiled under this portal. Terms in four languages are given in the Diccionario Ferroviario: Spanish (ES), Euskera (EU), French (FR) and English (EN). In Mario Leon’s Diccionario del tren, we can find terms in nine languages, apart from the four given above: German (DE), Galician (GA), Italian (IT), Catalan (CA) and Portuguese (PT).
On entering the portal, the icon of the Earth (IMAGE) will be seen to the left of the search interface. In this case, you will not have to specify the language you want to look up. As you write in the characters, all the entries beginning with the letters will appear, preceded by the abbreviation of the language. If the term you want is the first on the list, press Enter, or select the term desired from the list.
You may also search for terms in a specific language. To do this, click on the Earth icon and click an option from the pop-up menu. As the characters are written, only those entry options in that language will appear.
The term found appears above and the results appear below, divided into three sections. To the left, you will find the list of entry terms beginning with the character sequence entered into the search window. Should there be more than 5 entries on the list, it will not be displayed completely. To see all the terms, click +.
The first section shows the contents of the Railway Dictionary. Each item shows the following information:
- Field corresponding to the term
- Syn. The synonyms of the terms are displayed after the abbreviation
- Then the equivalent terms in each language will appear according to the international abbreviation of the language: English (en), Spanish (es), Basque (eu) or French (fr)
- Picture (sometimes)
- Near of some eu terms, will appear (Euskotren – ETS). This means that the term is used in Traffic Regulations of both companies
The second section shows the contents of Mario Leon’s Diccionario del tren; i.e., the list of term equivalents in the other eight languages of that dictionary.
The third section displays the information about the term given in Wikipedia in the language concerned. The start of an article in Wikipedia is shown, and, for more information, a usable link to Wikipedia found at the end of the passage. The information contained in this section is automatically obtained from Wikipedia, thus not guaranteeing it will always be relevant. Although the term sought and the term translated by Wikipedia may be written the same way, the content of Wikipedia does not always correspond to the concept reflected in Railway Dictionary or in Mario León’s Diccionario del Tren. When the term retrieved by Wikipedia as the result of referrals is not the same as that in the search, the warning “Different Entry” will appear. At other times, a link to the disambiguation page will be given, since this page may offer a link to the article for the term you have sought in Wikipedia.
If what has been written in the search box is not in the dictionary, the following message will appear: “The term you are looking for is not in the dictionary. If you wish, you can send a message proposing that it be included.” If you click on the word proposal, the term will be sent and analysed in the dictionary.
Information in the interface
- : Share the word on Twitter
- : Share the word on Facebook
- : Send a comment on the word
- : This icon makes it possible to directly consult any term entered in the search interface in other dictionaries. To do this, you have to click on any of these dictionaries: Elhuyar Hiztegiak, Elhuyarren Zientzia eta Teknologiaren Hiztegi Entziklopedikoa, Laneki - Lanbide heziketako hiztegia and Euskalterm. When you go with the mouse over this icon, you will know in which of them the searched term appears, and by clicking on one of those dictionaries you will be redirected directly to the corresponding entry in another tab of the browser.
- : Different information about the dictionary
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- Legal Notice
To go back or return to the previous screen, click on the arrow of the browser window.
You can also choose the language of the browser: English, Spanish, Basque or French, To do so, all you have to do is click on the button eu, es, en or fr.